How to download minecraft on pc


Minimum requirements for Minecraft

i.) 4 GB Ram
ii.) Any processor
iii.) No graphic card
iv.) Java software

Steps to play Minecraft for free

i.) Go to this site: Click here
ii.) Click on download TL and select your platform.
iii.) Your tlauncher setup file will start downloading.
iv.) Open the setup file and click on Continue.
v.) Accept the license agreement and click on Continue.
vi.) Again click on continue and it will show Installation in progress.
vii.) Again click on continue and click on complete
viii.) Open tlauncher and again go to that website.
ix.) Sign up on that website
x.) Select the latest Optfine version and configure your account.
xi.) Click on install and then click on Enter the Game.
xii.) For more information check out this video:

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